平裝 / 120頁 / 全彩印刷 本書運用坊間可買到的各種天然凝固劑,設計出各式各樣的甜、鹹小品。從最傳統的洋菜粉、布丁粉,到葛粉、地瓜粉,以及吉利丁、聚力T,甚至豬皮都可以烹調出各種食物,不僅可製作甜點、果凍、冰寶,還可以做出各式各樣冰涼的菜餚。無論是夏日消暑小品或平日的開胃小點均適宜。     In the cookbook,we use natural thickening agents available in the market to create various sweet desserts and meat jello fit for a feast.From the traditional thickening agents such as agar-agar,pudding powder, arrowroot powder, yam flour, gelatin, jeiiy T, even pork skin can be used to cook practically any dish. Not only can desserts, jello, sherbets be made from them, but an endless number of cold dishes as well. Serve jello as cold dishes or ordinary appetizers would fit perfectly.