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随笔 - 霍建强的随笔 - 政治主张

“Eat Your Heart Out Tom Scott”(漫画图文)
发表于:2010-03-11 15:0    633 浏览 / 0 评论 

华人画家穆迅关于总理约翰·基的漫画在英文网站Red Alert推出后,引起轰动。有一位读者发帖, 以漫画式的幽默盛赞穆迅: ”eat your heart out Tom Scott”

  Tom Scott 是纽西兰政治漫画家,同时也是一位知名作家。1996年,他为登山英雄希拉里爵士(Sir Edmund Hillary)作传。他从70年代开始从事政治漫画创作,先后就职于《读者周刊》和《奥克兰星报》,现在惠灵顿《自治领邮报》专职政治漫画创作。

  ”Eat your heart out” 是一句成语,意思是“把某某人比下去了”。 “洋人”看了穆迅先生的政治漫画,称赞把Tom Scott都比下去了,可见这样评价的分量!


 从某种角度看,政治漫画是中性的、“不分党派” 的。它在给读者艺术享受的同时,也针砭了时弊,有一种于无声处听惊雷的效果。

 无论左派右派,至少都会同意,穆迅的漫画 —— 这其实只是画家的穆迅和作家的穆迅偶露峥嵘的一笔 —— 让更多的人知道了我们华人的才气和社会责任感。


Key difference – Asians take on the Prime Minister

While Prime Minister John Key has maintained his beaming smile since taking office, his standing within the Kiwi-Asian community has changed dramatically.

Below are a couple of cartoons from famous Auckland-based Chinese artist Mu Xun to illustrate the point.

Note: The captions are a direct translation (not verbatim) from the Chinese text.

Cartoon 1:

National: One; Labour: Nil. Published shortly after the 2008 general election, this cartoon shows the approachable, energetic and triumphant John Key becoming New Zealand’s Prime Minister with an array of promises he will fulfil.

Prime Minister Key laps up the rounds of applause from the majority of Kiwi’s who can’t wait for the new Government to deliver tax cuts, stop the brain-drain, curb the economic crisis and take a hard-line on Law and Order.
Cartoon 2:


Step forward (or fast forward?) for the super rich and tiptoe for the middle class.

Published in early 2010.

This cartoon shows the same approachable, energetic and triumphant John Key, however the weight of his promises are becoming unbalanced.

Tax cuts for the top income earners and salary increases for the top CEO’s outweigh the gains made by lower income earners.

The rounds of applause now only echo out from the privileged few – who can afford giant diamond rings.

