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随笔 - 霍建强的随笔 - 政治主张

发表于:2010-02-06 00:4    737 浏览 / 7 评论 
工党民族事务副发言人霍建强(Raymond Huo)、拉金∙普拉萨德(Rajen Prasad):

面对本国亚裔人口失业率显著上升的情形,工党民族事务副发言人霍建强和拉金∙普拉萨德(Rajen Prasad)紧急呼吁民族事务部黄部长对此有所作为,避免这种令人担忧的情形每况愈下。
“亚裔失业率已上升到9.2%, 黄部长有必要赶紧采取行动敦促政府为失去工作的亚裔提供帮助,”霍议员说。新西兰的亚裔失业率目前比全国平均失业率还要高,两万一千二百名亚裔没有了工作。
联系: 霍建强 029 200 1999; 拉金∙普拉萨德 021 444 177.
5 February 2010 Media Statement       
Wong urged to become a real voice for growing number of ethnic unemployed     
Labour Associate Ethnic Affairs spokespersons Raymond Huo and Rajen Prasad are urging Ethnic Affairs Minister Pansy Wong to speak out forcefully on the rising ethnic unemployment rate before even more ethnic people are forced on the dole.
“With the Asian unemployment rate hitting 9.2 percent, the Minister for Ethnic Affairs must take immediate action to advocate within government to help jobless Asian people,” Raymond Huo said. “Asian unemployment in New Zealand is now higher than the national average with 21,200 Asian people without jobs.”
Rajen Prasad said that even before the latest appalling rise in unemployment ethnic groups and migrants were experiencing significant discrimination. “They are expected to have New Zealand experience which is ludicrous. Many are under-employed or are in jobs for which they are over qualified.
“Yesterday’s figures make employment prospects for our ethnic communities even more difficult,” Rajen Prasad said.
Raymond Huo said the unprecedented rise in Asian unemployment rates is hurting Asian families across the country who are struggling to make ends meet following the recession. “I feel sorry for families who were told before Christmas the recession was over, but who now find unemployment rates worse than ever.
“The feeling in the Asian community is that Pansy Wong is failing to convey the concerns of ethnic communities to the Government,” Raymond Huo said. “She should be playing a leading and dynamic role in tackling spiralling jobless rates and supporting low-paid earners.”
Rajen Prasad said the Government had an additional role in respect of ethnic unemployment. “As well as needing to do much more generally to create jobs, it also needs to focus specifically on ethnic employment by doing all it can to get employers to stop discriminating against this sector.
“Ethnic communities provide an excellent resource for workers with a great work ethic,” Rajen Prasad said.
Contact: Raymond Huo 029 200 1999; Rajen Prasad 021 444 177.
